Fire Extinguisher Services

Is your fire extinguisher leaking, rusty, or damaged?

Fire Extinguisher Inspection

The NFPA requires annual professional fire extinguisher inspections and monthly inspections that you can do on your own. Confires provides annual fire extinguisher inspection services to many buildings throughout New Jersey, Philadelphia, and Delaware.

Can our fire safety specialists help your business?

Fire Extinguisher Maintenance

Fire extinguishers are pretty durable—usually, an annual fire extinguisher inspection won’t turn up any problems. However, this is not always true, and you may find that your fire extinguisher has bumps, dents, leaks, or rust that can impair its ability to keep you safe at all times.

If you notice a small dent in your fire extinguisher, don’t shell out for a new one. Call Confires! We can provide fire extinguisher maintenance that’s as basic or as advanced as you need to ensure your fire extinguisher will keep you safe at all times.

Click here to learn more about six-year fire extinguisher maintenance!

Fire Extinguisher Recharge

Have you discharged your fire extinguisher recently? Even if you only used a tiny bit, you should have the extinguisher recharged right away—just a few milliseconds of lost fire extinguisher pressure can make the difference between a small flame and a devastating and costly disaster.

Fire Extinguisher Repair

Portable fire extinguishers are often your first line of defense to fight manageable fires. Confires is fully licensed and certified to repair, inspect, and recharge all types of fire extinguishers. Our fire extinguisher repair services ensure your equipment is ready for use in times of emergency.

Regular inspection and testing are essential to maintaining your fire extinguishers so they operate as they should in case of a fire. A fire extinguisher’s typical life span is five to 12 years, at which time you must test them. If they pass the test, they can be recharged. If you discover one of your fire extinguishers has bumps, dents, rust, or a broken tamper seal, it might not be safe to use if a fire breaks out. Before you assume you must replace the cylinder, contact Confires. We may be able to repair your extinguisher so that you can place it back into service for a lower cost than a replacement would be.

For fast and reliable commercial fire extinguisher repair services, contact Confires online today or call us at 888-228-0917.

Fire Extinguisher Hydro Testing

Fire extinguishers should last a very long time, but let’s face it, nothing’s perfect. If your fire extinguisher is more than 12 years old, call Confires for a fire extinguisher hydro test today! A fire extinguisher hydro test will make sure the shell of your fire extinguisher has no cracks or leaks that can cause it to malfunction when you need it most.

Contact us online or by phone at 888-228-0917 to schedule your fire extinguisher appointment!

Fire Extinguisher FAQs

Yes, fire extinguishers need to be inspected and given regular maintenance from a fire protection contractor. A trusted contractor will be able to catch any safety issues during fire extinguisher inspection.

Most fire extinguishers need to be refilled or refurbished every five to six years. Take the time to check your fire extinguishers monthly in case you need to use them unexpectedly. The last thing you want is to try to use a fire extinguisher that is not in working order.

It can be difficult to determine if a fire extinguisher is safe, but a common indicator is the pressure gauge. Make sure that the pressure indicator is pointing to the green zone between the two different red zones. If you notice that the indicator is in either of the red zones, this means that the fire extinguisher needs to be serviced as soon as possible.

There are many types of fire extinguishers because there are many different types of fire. Each extinguisher is designed to be used on a specific class of fire. It is important to use the right extinguisher to ensure that your actions are as effective as possible and do not further ignite the fire.